Our agency buildings will not be open on Thursday 2/3 or Friday 2/4. All scheduled appointments will be switched to telehealth. Clients will be notified via phone.


South Community has provided EAP services for nearly 30 years. We work with employers and their employees to augment employers’ efforts to maintain a healthy and productive workforce.

What is an EAP? – An EAP is designed to help employers and employees deal with personal and workplace challenges. EAP’s are often the first step in recovery for alcohol and drug abuse, anger management, financial crisis and other life issues. EAP’s save employers millions of dollars each year by intervening in personal and work issues that affect productivity, and the emotional well-being of employees and their family members.

EAP Plus offers a broad range of services, including:

  • Community-based counseling services for employees and their immediate family members
  • A supervisory referral program designed to assist under-performing employees
  • Supervisory consultation services
  • A critical incident response team should an organization experience a traumatic event

EAP Plus services are designed to:

  • Help people gain more control of their lives
  • Provide emergency debriefings in the aftermath of a critical incident
  • Keep people on the job
  • Restore people to full productivity
  • Reduce healthcare costs

What kinds of personal problems can my EAP Plus address?

  • Marital and relationship problems
  • Dealing with children and teens
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Alcohol/Drug dependency
  • Trauma
  • Divorce and Separation
  • Grief and loss

If I am a manager, what kinds of work related problems can the EAP Plus address?

  • Absenteeism
  • Harassment and other work related violence issues
  • Accidents
  • Decreased productivity
  • Conflicts with co-workers
  • Alcohol/Drug dependency
  • Job burnout

Who needs counseling?

Anyone who wants it! Unfortunately, many people still associate counseling with mental illness or personal weakness. Of course, neither one is true. People decide to get counseling for many reasons, including feeling “stressed out”, low self esteem, shyness, depression… all the things that make us human.

Will anyone know I’m receiving counseling?

Counseling is strictly confidential. Unless required by law, the counselor can not and will not release any information without the person’s express written consent.

How much does all this cost?

EAP Plus contracts with an employer on either a capitated or fee-for-service basis. There is no charge to an employee or family member for EAP Plus services.

How do I get more information?

For more information on South Community’s EAP Plus services:
Call: (937) 293-4525
Email: contactus@southcommunity.com


We are committed to providing the best care to the persons we serve. Please share suggestions that would improve your experience working with South Community.

To Whom It May Concern:
I am a parent of a child with special needs. We have been involved with South Community for many years. It is a partnership that I have come to rely on as an integral part of my son’s support system.

The summer program that South Community has in place is an awesome program that provides a wonderful opportunity for many kids at risk, who otherwise would be left out of a truly adventurous experience. READ MORE >>

I honestly do not know what I would have done without South Community. It has helped me so much in rebuilding my life. I went from living at home with my mother for financial reasons, and also severe depression, to having a place of my own and a job!

Thanks to South Community, I was able to get the therapy I needed. I was also able to obtain a caseworker, Lynn Wynstrep. Lynn helped me get my life back in order. READ MORE >>

To Staff of South Community:
Thank you all for a wonderful training year. You guys were a great supportive staff to work with. I felt like I was part of the team here, and I appreciate everyone for helping me with anything I needed throughout the year.

I know that many agencies talk about having a recovery focus, but the staff here truly implements it. I noticed it and my clients noticed it. From the front service desk to the providers in the back, there is an emphasis on client care. READ MORE >>

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